Saturday, April 13, 2013

Frying an egg with a no-cost Buddy Burner

I made one of these many years ago as a Boy Scout, so I had a vague memory of how to do it, but I wanted to see if my memory would suffice and didn't look up directions.  I also wanted to see if old, broken crayons would work as the wax instead of buying some.  This Buddy Burner was almost entirely no cost.  I believe the only cost involved was energy to melt the crayons (I used the oven), and the matches--everything else was recycled garbage.
It took me a lot of effort to get the burner lit, so I'll have to practice different ways of creating a 'wick' to easily light.  I pretty much had to create a small fire with many matches and a paper towel before the cardboard caught fire.  You can see some of the remains left after the initial burning to see if crayons would even work.  So the crayons worked!

It was much easier to light the burner the second time.  I think maybe I just had too many melted crayons at the top--so the flame couldn't get to the cardboard.

Once I had the burner burning I decided to test its abilities to cook, so I tried frying an egg.

Make sure you use an old frying pan as open flame may damage and discolor the pan.

Added some cheese for extra flavor.

Using the crayons made for a rather odorous cooking experience. 
I was worried it make affect the taste of the egg...

The result:


(As I started this post I realized I didn't have pictures of how to actually make a Buddy Burner, so I will try to create another post later describing all the components and process.)

P.s. My wonderful wife did all the photography. (She loves that her camera can take black and white photos.)