Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year 2019

One of my resolutions for this year, is to really improve my family's level of preparedness. The only problem with this resolution, is that I don't really have a goal, so there's not really a finish line to work toward. I do, however, have a plan! So I guess my goal is to follow through with my plan...

Last week, for Christmas, my parents started us on the track to be better prepared.

Firstly, they gave us 2 filtered water bottles. I knew these were coming as I was there when my dad bought them at PrepperCon last Spring.

I'm quite excited about these bottles! They have a Red Line filter, which means they will filter everything down to a virus! I saw some crazy demonstrations with this bottle--like scooping water out of a pond full of flamingos! My wife and I are thinking we'll have to get one for each of our girls for their 72 hour kit / Bug Out Bag.

Speaking of Bug Out Bags, that was the second thing my parents gave us for Christmas! They gave us a 5 day survival backpack from Wise. It's really just a starter pack, but there is plenty of space to add to it! This is just what we needed to kick us into gear! Thanks Mom & Dad!

Another aspect of preparedness I have been getting into over the last couple years, is coin collecting. And, more specifically, precious metals! The last couple of Christmases, Santa has brought me and each kid a 1 oz. silver coin. Well, this year I decided to create a new tradition. Instead of Santa Claus bringing them a new coin each Christmas, Santa Dad will do so. On Christmas Eve I gave each girl a little wooden coin display box. When they set out their stockings for Santa Claus to fill, now they set out their little box for Santa Dad to fill.

This year Santa Dad brought each girl a Nativity silver coin, and I got a Storm Trooper!